
Neyland Pollinator Trail

The Neyland Pollinator Trail includes:

  • Key existing pollinator assets
  • Strategic pollinator corridors
  • Key projects

These three aspects are informed by the baseline review, site visits and stakeholder consultation.

Reflecting Overarching Pollinator Principle 1a ‘Protect and enhance existing pollinator habitat’, the key existing pollinator habitat is also provided for each settlement. While these may not be a focus of a key project, they are nonetheless invaluable as part of the pollinator trail and require safeguarding from damage or disturbance. The key existing pollinator habitat includes statutory designations, local green space or where existing pollinator projects or initiatives are taking place. The areas included are not exhaustive and there will be other high-value land for pollinators, for example land in private landownership.

The different types of strategic pollinator corridors are described in ‘Pollinator Trails for 11 Settlements’.

The Public Rights of Way Network is shown to encourage exploration of nature between the key pollinator assets and along the strategic corridors.

More information regarding the scope of each key project can be found in the Neyland GI Management Plan.

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Neyland Pollinator Trail