
Appendix 3: Summary of projects against evidence base

This Appendix matches each of the Strategic Projects identified within the Focus Area Profiles to each of the 6 Key GBI Opportunities identified for Cherwell. This ensures that the projects identified are multi-functional (an important principle of GBI interventions) and are clearly linked to the challenges identified for Cherwell’s GBI network through the development of this Strategy.

Focus Area Strategic project KO1: Flood risk KO2: Restoring rivers KO3: Green towns KO4: Expand woodlands KO5: Walking, cycling, wheeling KO6: Green space and biodiversity
Wider Banbury Area Green corridor connections X X  Y Y Y Y
Restoring the Cherwell river corridor Y Y Y Y Y Y
Greening the Salt Way X X Y Y Y Y
Greening Banbury town centre X X Y X Y Y
Wider Bicester Area Connecting Bicester’s greenways X X Y X Y Y
Greening Bicester town centre Y X Y X Y Y
Bicester’s green wedges Y Y Y Y Y Y
Restoring Bicester’s river corridors Y Y Y Y Y Y
Wider Kidlington Area Expanding and enhancing Kidlington’s network of footpaths and trails X X Y X Y Y
Enhancing the Oxford Canal and River Cherwell blue corridors Y Y Y Y X Y
New and enhanced access points to the canal and river X Y Y X Y                    X
Greening Kidlington village centre and improving walkability X X Y X Y Y
Mid-Cherwell River Corridor A River Cherwell Waterway Park Y Y X Y Y Y
Bernwood, Otmoor and Ray Regional Area Landscape-scale Area Y Y X Y X Y