
Appendix 1: List of data sets used in interactive map

The table below sets out the data sets used in all mapping as part of this website – including those shown on the Interactive Map. In each case, it provides the data source.

Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) 2019 Office for National Statistics
National Cycle Network Available from Sustrans data repository
Public Rights of Way Acquired from Oxfordshire County Council
Banbury Circular Walk Acquired from Cherwell District Council
Oxford Canal Trail Acquired from Cherwell District Council
Country Parks Natural England Living Atlas
Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) Cherwell District Council
Conservation target areas Cherwell District Council
Nature Recovery Network Cherwell District Council: Oxfordshire’s Nature Recovery Network
Sites of Special Scientific Interest Natural England open source
Local Wildlife Sites Cherwell District Council
Ancient Woodland Natural England open source
Watercourses Ordnance Survey open source
RSPB reserve RSPB open source
National Nature Reserves Natural England open source
Woodland cover Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre
Town centres Not available
Conservation areas Supplied and held by Cherwell District Council
Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty Natural England
Historic Parks and Gardens Historic England
Scheduled Monument Historic England
Climate change
Flood zone 2 Environmental Agency Flood Risk Assessment
Flood zone 3 Environmental Agency Flood Risk Assessment
Cherwell District Ordnance Survey open source
Built up area Supplied and held by Cherwell District Council
Neighbouring local authorities Ordnance Survey open source
Green Belt Department for Communities and Local Government