
Key GBI Opportunities

This series of 6 Key GBI Opportunities for Cherwell were developed based on the evidence summarised on this website under People, Nature, Place and Climate Change. This means that they respond to the specific needs identified in the District.

Key Opportunity 1: Managing flood risk in Cherwell’s urban areas
Key Opportunity 2: Restoring Cherwell’s blue corridors
Key Opportunity 3: Growing green towns in Cherwell
Key Opportunity 4: Expanding woodlands in Cherwell
Key Opportunity 5: Encouraging walking, cycling, and wheeling in Cherwell
Key Opportunity 6: Making the most of our parks and open spaces (including biodiversity enhancements)

These Key GBI Opportunities are then carried through into the opportunities identified within the Focus Area profiles.

Appendix 3 provides a table which maps each of these Key Opportunities against each opportunity identified within the Focus Area profiles.