
How to use this website

This website sets out the Cherwell Green and Blue Infrastructure (GBI) Strategy and was produced in 2022.

Unlike other reports, this strategy is not designed to be read from start to finish. Instead, different parts of the website link together to allow you to explore the key issues and green and blue infrastructure opportunities for yourself.

If you want to understand more about the starting point for the Strategy – the pages on Cherwell’s GBI network today provide a brief overview of the existing GBI assets within the District and how they are performing.

Based on this baseline information, a series of 6 Key GBI Opportunities were identified for Cherwell – on these pages, you can read about these opportunities and how they have been achieved successfully elsewhere.

If you want to find out more about the GBI network in our five identified Focus Areas and how it can be enhanced, please go to the relevant part of the District under the Focus Area Profile pages.

If you are looking for guidance on the standards which new development in Cherwell must meet in terms of GBI, go to the Guidance for New Development.

Finally, the Appendices provide further background information that sits behind the report itself. This includes an overview of which stakeholders we engaged, which data sets we used and how the 6 Key GBI Opportunities were carried through to the Focus Area Profiles.